Well, I could hold out no longer, and the mince pies started on the weekend.
I held out through ALL of October, thats like a month and half more than normal, so bite me !
I have one with me today, yes yes I do. *strokes his mince pie*
Tonight is the last House MD. *sob* I could cry. What will I do without my House fix ?
I will have to fill the slot using my Six Feet Under DVDs I guess. Course this means I will no longer be getting my fix of Dr Alison Cameron. *sniff*
Bah, at least Lost still has a ways to go.
There's currently 1h and 17 minutes left on something I want on ebay very much ! I havent yet bid, and have a snipe set up for it. I pray to god it works.
I may stick in a last minute bid just in case.
I just read
this article and whilst the basics of it are nothing I didn't already know, there is detail in it which scares me to my very core.
meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeence pie.