Well for the past couple of hours I've been researching and writing an annotated bibliography for my world politics class. I've been researching human trafficking, which is a pretty heavy subject and I guess I'm all burnt out from writing about it. Tonight is the start of Black Cat, which I really don't like that much. They decorate the quad and there is dance and all that good stuff, but do they have to sing ALL THE TIME. It's really not so much singing as it is chanting these awful cheers. If I hear "Beer Beer Beer for Old Agnes Scott..." one more time I'm gonna go ape shit. I'm sure no one will know what I'm talking about, but I just hate that song.
I such a nice relaxing weekend, but this evening I got all uptight because I have so many things to do and my roommate Mia is just kinda freaking me out. She told me she cried because she couldn't go to the mall of georgia this weekend and later while I was talking to her she picked up this container of hazelnut coffee creamer that was sitting on the desk (the liquid kind you refrigerate) and she just opened it and took a big gulp. I stopped talking and said "You're drinking coffee creamer?" and she said, "Yeah, you don't do it?". I really need to try to be more patient with her.
uh, so why are Halloween costumes so expensive? I've been batting around some ideas, but they all would be somewhat difficult to make if I tried to do it myself and if I were to buy a costume, the one I want, I'd be spending $70! It's not worth it. I like this
peacock costume , it's kind of ironic since it's a costume for a woman, but the male peacock is the one with all the nice plumage, but I thought it was pretty nice. I've also considered being Anna Nicole Smith(which becomes less and less appealing when I think about it), a scientist (do-able, but I'm not crazy about it), or a Greek goddess (it's a possibility). I might just be an American Indian like I was a few years back. I'll just have to update the look.
Oh well. I hope October will be cool n' stuff. Actually I'm looking forward to some things in October so let's hope this week starts it off smoothly.