Title: Oh, Christmas Tree Pairing: Ontae, OT5 Genre: Fluff Word Count: 1,291 Rating: PG Disclaimer(s): I own nothing. Summary: The holiday season is nothing Jinki wants to pass up.
A/N: Written as a Christmas gift to
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OMG omg OMG spent a good five minutes freaking out over this omg ;_____; omg ty so much i can't lkjsdfeeirer i want to write something for you too ahhh. this is so adorable i can't even
Jonghyun croons along to the music in broken English in the background while Minho shares a crinkly eyed smile with the leader. idk this image is just perfect, i can imagine them all huddled up and ugh it's heartwarming and everything ♥♥ the singing, the smiles and the lights esp, sigh.
He preens when he sees the immediate flush wash over Jinki's face. “Warm, now?”
Jinki clears his throat, eyes still pinned to the space in front of him. “Very much, thank you.” omg i think the dialogue in this was just so adorable and perfect. ♥
Jinki doesn't have to hear his name to know Kibum's comment is directed at him. He just smiles and revels in the warmth of his band mates - no, his friends' company. aha omg jinki ; ; this was just the perfect line, it wraps up the fuzzy warm feeling perfectly
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I think it's cute, whadayya mean lame. It's adorable. Doesn't know what she'll say though, but it's my opinion. XDD
I didn't tell you what I thought of it, which is all sugar-sprinkled candy canes and ice cream sort of sweet. You know my obsession with bottom Jinki XD which puts me off OnTae at times but this was just all sorts of adorable. I couldn't help but fall for it and Jinki just makes me want to squish. ♥~
;o; I feel like you're just telling me you really like these pairingds that I write, and really you're like gagging, but either way I appreciate the compliments! <3 /hugs forever
Hey! XD I read, you know. If I liked just my own pairing, I wouldn't own half the things I do. I read because of writing. In fanfiction, I tend to read my own OTPs but I won't turn away a good fic if I think it is. I have some OnKey too XD Your writing's good and you're not forcing me to read smut so I enjoy it on a reading basis. It really was adorable and fuzzly all over the place, and so were the others.
I may have or have not pretended the pairing was TofuHo.
Jinki hums along, catches a glass snowflake just before it hits the ground after slipping from Taemin's fingers, It seems so unlikely that Jinki would be coordinated enough to catch that. xD
Oh ho ho ho!!!!! ^^ Tis the season to jolly and what a merry fic this is!!! I finally took the time out to read it :D
O mo!!! Jinki is so adorable :) and so determined to bring cheer to the shinee household!!!! Gotta love his Christmas spirit!!! Taemin was his usual little ball of sunshine!!! This fic cheered me up too, good job hun!!! ^^Though it wouldve been pure win if you made Jinki Santa claus XD that would be epic!!!! Lmao!!!
Though now I feel like baking sugar cookies o____o lol
Comments 32
spent a good five minutes freaking out over this omg ;_____; omg ty so much i can't lkjsdfeeirer i want to write something for you too ahhh. this is so adorable i can't even
Jonghyun croons along to the music in broken English in the background while Minho shares a crinkly eyed smile with the leader. idk this image is just perfect, i can imagine them all huddled up and ugh it's heartwarming and everything ♥♥ the singing, the smiles and the lights esp, sigh.
He preens when he sees the immediate flush wash over Jinki's face. “Warm, now?”
Jinki clears his throat, eyes still pinned to the space in front of him. “Very much, thank you.” omg i think the dialogue in this was just so adorable and perfect. ♥
Jinki doesn't have to hear his name to know Kibum's comment is directed at him. He just smiles and revels in the warmth of his band mates - no, his friends' company. aha omg jinki ; ; this was just the perfect line, it wraps up the fuzzy warm feeling perfectly ( ... )
I'm so glad you liked this! I was stressing & flailing & just over all being a spazz because I was worried about it's basic-ness. XD
I love you too, dear! <3 Merry Christmas! (Ignoring you don't really celebrate it. XD)
I didn't tell you what I thought of it, which is all sugar-sprinkled candy canes and ice cream sort of sweet. You know my obsession with bottom Jinki XD which puts me off OnTae at times but this was just all sorts of adorable. I couldn't help but fall for it and Jinki just makes me want to squish. ♥~
This would be nothing without you ~
I may have or have not pretended the pairing was TofuHo.
I love you~ ♥
It seems so unlikely that Jinki would be coordinated enough to catch that. xD
Lol it was so cute~ <3
Here, have some holiday ontae:
( ... )
Mmm, I appreciate the holiday!Ontae very much ~
Thank you so much! <3
O mo!!! Jinki is so adorable :) and so determined to bring cheer to the shinee household!!!! Gotta love his Christmas spirit!!! Taemin was his usual little ball of sunshine!!! This fic cheered me up too, good job hun!!! ^^Though it wouldve been pure win if you made Jinki Santa claus XD that would be epic!!!! Lmao!!!
Though now I feel like baking sugar cookies o____o lol
Thank you so much for the love, babe! <3
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