Ah, Halloween was so fun! Me and Jenny wandered out with just about no plan and ended up having a great time, despite the cold.
-Somehow we hit the end of happy hour, and had five rounds of drinks for about as many dollars each.
-We said something to the people at the 102.1 tent at Hooligans that they really liked, and ended up getting free CDs (mine was the soundtrack to "Whip It!" featuring the song "Sheena is a punk rocker" which, of course, makes me think of Sheena.), free T-shirts, and free movie passes to... A Ewan McGregor movie! Yaaaaay!
-Cheese Fries at Hooligans that were so good and which I am going to try to recreate at home using the same sauce and garnishes.
-Some random house party of Carroll people I didn't recognize....but the dog there loved me and kept snuggling me!
-Eggplant fries at pizza shuttle. Mmmmm.
Jenny was the 1580's and I was the 1980's. Sweet.