Some might think that it's kinda different in Finland than overseas. Guess not. Here's a letter from a friend of mine:
Freedom of Speech Suppression in Finland:
The aggressive political police, SUPO, (Suojelupoliisi - Protection police - Finland’s security police) is “upset” of an anti-multicultural sticker and flyer campaign in the bigger cities of Finland. SUPO refers to it as “forces of hatred have returned”.
By Henrik Holappa
One of the biggest tabloid newspapers, Iltalehti, reported on the 5th of May 2010 on their websites ( about the sticker and flyer campaign in the cities of Finland that during the last decade have been forced to adapt the ideology of multiculturalism.
According to the latest report by the SUPO to the media in Finland, even just criticizing multiculturalism can be considered a “hate crime” and “freedom of speech violation”. The message that is being given out through the stickers is - according to the SUPO - so threatening that they have now decided to investigate and possibly charge several people of “incitement of racial hatred”.
The printed text on the sticker says; “Multiculturalism is hazardous to your children and grandchildren”. The actual sticker - that the SUPO considers “racist” and “hateful”, offers a link to a website that offers an alternative information regarding the multicultural development in Finland as well as in Europe and in America. The -websites also publishes Dr. Duke’s subtitled videos and information about the European heritage, and therefore it is not in any way threatening towards any ethnic minority group neither it incites to racial hatred or any sort of acts of violence.
Here is how the sticker looks like:
This sticker hardly incites anyone to commit crimes. Purely, the message on the sticker only offers an opinion concerning the hazardous ideology of multiculturalism - which the thought police of Finland want to ban as a “racist opinion”.
However, SUPO indicates that the people of Finland - if the text on the sticker will be regarded “inciting” or “violating” - cannot, in the near future, express their opinion, and if the opinion is opposing the multiculturalism - their thoughts or feelings concerning the matter.
Now, I must emphasize; “Multiculturalism is hazardous to your children and grandchildren” can be considered a “hateful” opinion and therefore no Finn should not say or not even think about expressing this thought in public. That is what I would call a tyrannical and oppressive force of freedom of speech and expression which the Finnish government does want to push through by the April of 2011.
The law enforcement in Finland considers hardening the free-speech laws by stating that even just visiting a “racist” website or expressing an opinion, peacefully and without attacking anyone, would bring a 4 year prison sentence to that individual.
SUPO concentrates its concern on alleged racist crimes that have taken part in a small town of Joensuu, near the Russian border. Blatantly the media and the tyrannical political police SUPO are connecting these alleged racist crimes to the message of the stickers indicating that having a certain opinion is same as committing a violent crime.
A spokesman from the SUPO’s protection squad says in his statement to the tabloid newspaper Iltalehti that: “When it goes bad, the hatred must be directed on something.” However, protecting the European and Nordic heritage is not “hate” or “inciting”, and there is nothing courageous than prevent a genocide of the European peoples. The media in Finland does not dare to talk about the ongoing genocide of the whites in South-Africa. These people are the true haters and racists and guardians of the European genocide.
I would urge the other white nationalists in Europe and America to use this phrase; “Multiculturalism is hazardous to your children and grandchildren” in magazines, newspapers, websites, flyers and every thinkable occasion to show to the tyrannical government and thought police of Finland that there will be resistance against their plans to put several people behind bars, just by stating the opinion mentioned in this article.
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