Aug 19, 2004 23:28
im updating now. i hope more than two people comment this time. i hate wrinting and no one commenting. k so im bored and decided i could update just for fun. a spark of interest of playing music has apeared in my head. id like to play music with people. i guess brent wants to play with me some and nic does too. today was a wierd but good day. i saw some old friends that i havent hung out with in a while. i hung out with nic and played music and we had a pretty good time. we went to visit chris at work and right after we walked out of the door todd was running tward me. i jumped into his arms. hehe. brett, rachel, poter, and lopeman were with him too so we all went to el rodeo. after that i took nic home and went to chris' house, we hung out for quite a long time. talking, listening to music and what not. it was a pretty good day.i just wish i could have seen kaitlin that would have made it a great day. and getting a job would have been nice too. hehe. i took my brother to the bank earlier today about 3ish and i ran into brent henderson. we talked for like an hour just abour random stuff. movies, jokes, people, and all that jazz. i kind of right now just wish i could find a few guys who wanted to play some music with the same music interest as me. i dont know i know its a wierd thing but it was a lot of fun when the chess club, goodnightneverland days were going on. lots of things have changed since then. some good some bad. romance for me and some of my other friends have gotten really good. my old friends have all moved on from the old days and some want things to be the same and others dont. i dont know. hehe. i have such a good life. sometimes i take it for granted. sometimes i dont really feel like its the best but actually i coundnt ask for more without being selfish. heh. my school day is really easy and short. i have a little money but id really like having money like i used to have when i had a job. i REALLY want a job as soon as i should update this thing more often so i dont randomly write these long multi issue entries randomly. hehe. well id really like it if everyone would comment. give me something to read. tell me what you think of me. tell me what youve been up to. tell me something. ask me questings. do whatever. just comment. please. well im off to bed now. goodnight.