It's been almost two months since i've done this and there's WAY too much to try and remember for posting here. Much of what's going on can be found on
nievelion and
ingonyama70s journals.
It's not easy keeping up with two men in their 20's but somehow i'm (sorta) managing to do so. We've been indulging in a definetly different style of Dungeons & Dragons lately and the personality differences between the two of them show up like coal on a snowfield.
Times are i wonder just how they've stayed a couple for so long but, hey, you know how love is.....
A couple of weeks ago i lost another cat to some strange illness (i think it was leukemeia) at only 9 years old. I wasn't as close to Topo as i was to Gandalf but i still miss him, and his brother, Ari, is still with us. As dumb as he is he's likely to live until he's 20 which isn't going to suprise anybody much.
I'd sent Ari and Topo's original Person an e-mail about Topo's passing but as yet no response.Buffy and Willow seem to be adapting better and i might not have to put Willow up for adoption like i thought i'd have to.
Thanksgiving is closing in and i've got some ideas about dinner that night, i'll just have to work my way around any finikyness that anyone might have about certain foods
That's about it for now, more or less, so this looks like a good time to sign off for now. One might need to flex a few muscles once in a while to get some more computer time around here
P.S. Really gotta call some people i haven't spoken to for a long time (More muscle flexing for phone time)