Problem? What problem?

Jan 11, 2008 00:20

The other day I figured out that I spent over 800 dollars on video games since I got my PS3. It may be over 900 dollars since I didn't go and get all the receipts or anything. I have 11 PS3 games, I paid for 9, got the other two as gifts. One was a special edition and thus ten dollars more, another was Lego Star Wars and was thus ten dollars less. I have also spent about 200 dollars on downloadable stuff over the PSN. Now that includes Warhawk and its expansion, so that's a full game there, and the Shivering Isles expansion for Oblivion, so realistically it's only like $125 or something. Hopefully my math is bad on this one, but I think not.

This does pose an interesting point though. Sony lets you have your PSN account on 5 systems at once. Meaning I can share this content (except for Warhawk cause they thought that one out) with 5 people. So far none of my close friends have gotten a PS3, Charles is about to, so cool. It is an interesting thought though that I could use this as a way of goading some of my other friends into buying the system as well. Why? So I don't have to play with strangers online all the time. Also I would be up for selling Spider-Man 3 and Tony Hawk 8 to someone I knew for cheap as well, but I doubt anyone would really want those.

Another thing I discovered today, Silent Hill for the PSOne is rare, and thus expensive as all hell. I have been trying to find it for some time with no success. If I want it now, it will cost upwards of 60 dollars used, or $130 new. This is crazy. Does anyone have this game and will lend it to me? Do you know anyone that might if you don't? This would be very helpful, and most appreciated. Alternatively I could crack and buy it for myself.

In other news Darth Vadar and Yoda are to be in the next Soul Caliber game. Yeah, that makes no sense, but is awesome at the same time. I will leave finding the articles/screenshots/videos of this as an exercise for the reader.

video games

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