Update about updating

Oct 16, 2016 23:41

So it turns out you apparently need to update your computer equipment every now and then. My computer's been getting slow and acting kind of weird, so in the process of [a long story about how I've been using various methods to remedy it], I ended up getting a new mouse (a USB mouse! Yes, I am aware this is not new technology, but keep in mind, for some reason I still have the keyboard and mouse from my very first computer 20-some years ago), and whoa! What a difference! Things are working better already. YAAAY!

I've been looking into Imzy, because it seems to have promise, but all I've discovered about it so far is that all the personal interaction and privacy controls I cherish about lj are absent in it. However, if you're itching to get on it, I have some extra invites--just ask if you would like one.

I have so much to tell you, and the backlog is gumming up getting anything out at all, and it's been like that a while. Hard things go on in my personal life, or here, and it's hard to keep at this blogging thing. But I believe in it, and I want to do it, and I really like you ladies, so I'll do my best to keep posting here.

slice of life

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