So THAT'S how it is in [the Supernatural] family ....

Nov 10, 2015 19:16

s_c showed our photo op photo to her coworker/semi-supervisor, who had this very gratifying reaction. (She has a heavy Texan accent, so imagine that as you read.)

Coworker [rather shocked both that the stars would touch us like that, and that we would let them]: "They’re really, intimately close to y’all--I’m surprised that a celebrity would touch people like that."

s_c [pointing to Jared, confessing]: "He’s my biggest celebrity crush."

Coworker [still shocked, and impressed/happy for her]: "Well, he held you in his arms--his big, manly arms! They're both almost wrapped around you two."

It got me to thinking. I mean, we in this fandom are used to seeing con photos where our boys are fully, physically engaged with fans, acting out anything and everything. s_c and I were keenly conscious of steering away from anything that might make them feel exploited, but I've seen the guys do things in photo ops that I wouldn't dream of asking them to do, and seeming to think nothing of doing it (which is SO fun, and so awesome, that they're so game, and such good actors that they not only seem to enjoy the challenge of acting it out but do it so effortlessly).

Yet I've seen con photos of other stars. Sometimes the star won't even touch the fan, and with a few exceptions, the star usually won't do more than put an arm around the fan. There are some awesome stars who will go big and do something crazy in photo ops, but I've never seen another fandom like ours where almost anything goes.

During the panels it was also evident that the stars (and writers) and basically everyone to do with the show is keenly aware of what gets explored deeply in the fanfic and fanart, all these delicate facets of the psychological, emotional, physical, and/or sexual permutations of all the relationships within the show, and that they're cool with it. Not even just cool with it, but right there with us! There are a lot of people in this world who are really uncomfortable with power imbalance or suicidal ideation and depression or sexual dynamics, but it's ALLLL a BIG part of SPN fandom, where all these things get discussed and explored within a structure that feels wonderfully, remarkably safe. Sure, Clif was standing right there during the photo op, because there's always the chance there might a really off-kilter fan there, but all I saw was very nice, very cool fans having warm, loving interactions with the stars, and everyone felt entirely comfortable with everything that went on.

It wouldn't have occurred to me to feel uncomfortable having two giant, powerful men wrapped around me until Patty's coworker suggested it, and our request for this seemed so normal to Misha and Jared that s_c didn't have to say more than a few words before they knew exactly what we wanted and threw themselves into acting it out. I didn't ask Misha to squeeze me so tight! But I guess it never occurred to him to imagine that I wouldn't be perfectly comfortable with that (indeed, "Tighter!" would have been my only request ;-) ), because that's just how it is in this fandom! It's truly magical.

Talk of the "Supernatural Family" came up a lot onstage at the con, and it was evident that the stars really do feel that way about the fans--that we are absolutely equal members of that family. I have to say, at the con, that family felt really healthy, thriving, and I would chalk that up largely to the fact that we can have this open conversation about all these things other stars won't touch with their fans. SPN has always been about dark things lurking in the shadows and dealing with them head-on, however painful and however much you might prefer to ignore them; it only makes sense that the Supernatural family would be all about the same thing, open and honest about things that are difficult but a fundamental part of the human experience, and I just have to say, it made me incredibly proud to be a member of this fandom, and this family. <3

meta-ish, thoughts, dencon '15

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