Podfic: mmmm, written by kalliel, read by brightly_lit

Dec 19, 2014 20:29

Title: mmmm
Author: kalliel
Podiccer: brightly_lit
Genre: gen, mostly pre-series (with pitstops in S3, S5, S9, and post-canon)
Characters: Dean, Sam
Rating: PG
Word Count: 1160
Duration: 6 min. 46 sec.
Summary: That one time Sam climbed on top of Carhenge, and that one time Dean waited to see him do it again.

Original fic here.

Streaming and download here.

This is a slightly early Christmas gift for kalliel. She really dug my first podfic, so it seemed like the perfect gift to give to podfic one of her fics.

This is an amazing fic, absolutely beautiful and indescribable, about Sam and Dean watching Carhenge go up as kids and revisiting it later. Here's my mini Reader's Note: I've actually been to Carhenge! While we were there, a class that was studying Stonehenge was there on a field trip because it was the closest they could get to Stonehenge. I'd always thought Carhenge was kind of a big joke, but seeing how remarkable it is, and listening to their teacher compare it to Stonehenge with such gravitas and respect, I realized it's a strange but amazing achievement.

Finally, I cannot more strongly recommend that you go read kalliel's author's notes for this fic, possibly before you actually read/listen to the fic; it gives real-world context for all the fic's events that makes it that much more intense.

I hope y'all enjoy! Especially you, kalliel! You were one of my first friends here, and your generous spirit is such a big part of making fandom what it is.

sam, podfic, dean, rating: pg, brotherly feels, gen, hurt/comfort, angst

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