Title: Backgammon
zelda_addictRating: G
Genre: gen, humor, brother time
Characters: Dean, Sam
Word Count: 290
Summary: Dean finds some games in a room in the bunker and convinces Sam to play them with him.
I promised the person who guessed all the code names for bands in
this fic a congratulatory drabble (more like a ficlet, as it turned out), and this is it!
zelda_addict, you rock! I deviated slightly from your prompt, hope that's all right.
"Lookie what I found, Sammy! Backgammon!"
Sam, on his way past Dean to do some research, paused, looking down at the board Dean was just then busily trying to set up according to the baffling rules. Dean wasn't quite sure what to make of Sam's expression, but at least he had his attention.
"There's this room down the hall I finally managed to get open, and it's got tons of games just like this--in practically perfect condition! Yahtzee, Mille Bornes, Chinese Checkers, Go ...."
"Have you ever ... played any of those games?"
"Nah, and I can't wait. C'mon, Sam, you're up for a round or two of Backgammon against the master, aren't ya?"
Dean wasn't sure he liked the look of that smirk as Sam sat down opposite him, quirking an eyebrow diffidently. "You're the master, and you've never even played it before?"
"Just callin' it early," Dean bragged.
~* * * ~
Five rounds later of exhaustively moving colored tablets around the maze-like board into nonsensical configurations, listening to Sam patiently remind him why he couldn't make the move he was trying to make, Dean threw up his hands. "This game SUCKS!" he complained. "Who came up with this crap?! What, was the world so boring fifty years ago that this is what passed for entertainment?? Let's play something else."
"Okay, 'master,'" Sam said. Of course Sam wasn't going to let him live down the fact that Dean hadn't won even once.
Dean perused the pile. "Which one should we try now?"
That disturbing smirk deepened. "You pick."
Eyeing Sam trepidatiously, Dean withdrew Go, only to see Sam's evil smirk widen into a grin.
~ The End ~
Author's Notes:
- I figured the games Dean might find in the bunker would be games popular in the 1950s, with which I'm quite familiar. My babysitters were old-fashioned sorts and I played those games a lot as a kid, even received my own backgammon set when I was ~7--true story. ;-)
- There is no one unluckier at Yahtzee than yours truly, although since it's kind of like poker, Dean might actually enjoy that one ....
- Thanks for playing name that band, zelda_addict--that was fun! :-)