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Comments 7

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brightly_lit March 21 2014, 18:32:13 UTC
The head-chopping, I'll give you that, but yet that felt like a deliberately calculated p.r. move to make her more sympathetic in the eyes of the public ("look, I can laugh at myself!--or at least pretend like I can ..."). And at least Snookie was just a brief little scene and not the CLIMAX OF THE EPISODE. I don't want Paris and climaxes anywhere near me. ;-> And I felt the self-parody was more cleverly written with Snookie. Okay, can you tell I just really don't like Paris Hilton?? It was so painful to watch them act well against her non-acting. At least Snookie really tried her best. Bleh. 'Stunt casting' pisses me off no matter who it is, though ...


caranfindel March 21 2014, 01:03:14 UTC
(many of which seem to revolve around delight at the brief duration of Dean's involuntary servitude to Cuthbert, because we SPN fans are perfectly normal and prefer depictions of normal, healthy relationships that don't involve sex slavery or anything at all resembling it)

This is why I love you.

I preferred Paris to Snooki, plot wise, because there was actually a reason for her to be there. It made no sense for Snooki to be a crossroads demon. (Acting wise they were both pretty awful.)


brightly_lit March 21 2014, 18:34:25 UTC
This is why I love you.

Hee. Aw, thanks, dear.

I go more deeply into my feelings about Paris vs. Snookie in a comment above, if you're interested ...


sylvia_locust March 21 2014, 03:59:13 UTC
healthy relationships that don't involve sex slavery

Yes, right! *cough* Did I manage to say that with a straight face?



brightly_lit March 21 2014, 18:35:07 UTC
;-) THIS fandom? Never!!


septembers_coda March 21 2014, 16:02:59 UTC
Totally agree about Cuthbert (*snort*-- sex slavery aside)! It was hard to imagine this was just a regular thirty-something, modern actor; he pulled off the 50s thing SO well. And since the 50s are super-creepy, it really worked. I especially loved the completely sincere yet wonderfully sardonic "Well, thanks, sport!"

With ya on Snooki over Paris. Much less painful. No, Snooki wasn't a great actor, but at least she wasn't distractingly bad. She did fine. And knowing that Jared watches Jersey Shore, with great embarrassment, makes me long to be a fly on the wall on set that day. :-}


brightly_lit March 21 2014, 18:39:40 UTC
I couldn't agree more with your whole first paragraph. (And I forgot about "sport"! Brilliant!)

RIGHT?? Yet just because I may have thought someone made for an interesting character on a show I watched (particularly a reality show) doesn't mean I'd wanna, you know, work with them. It makes me wonder if the producers were like "Guess what, Jared? We got Snooki!" and he was like, "Oh! ... great." Or sometimes you might think you'd really like someone and then when you meet them in person it turns out you really don't .... Yes, I'd have loved to see what it was like on set that day!


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