Fic: Discipline

Nov 21, 2013 20:47

Title: Discipline
Author: brightly_litRating: PG ( Read more... )

sam, dean, rating: pg, john, teen!chesters, gen, episode tag, fanfic

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kalliel November 25 2013, 00:01:11 UTC
Wow, so my "this evening" turned into days later, but haha, I didn't want to read your 9x07 while writing mine and unconsciously just steal your interpretation, so I held off a bit. XD Luckily, they're quite different, so phew! That's awesome. :D

I love this line: John had resorted to trying to drill a few basics into that thick skull of his--safety on, know what you’re dealing with, always have backup, use a condom That assortment of thoughts thrown in together, like, 'oh yeah, and also, always use a condom' is just so endearing to me. XD Gruff!confused!parent!John is one of my favorite Johns. And his little observations of both Sam and Dean here are great; not knowing what to do with his teenage son and making a judgment call, realizing that they're both at that age where any time he looks back at them, they're always completely different people. And I think that takes on a particular resonance with John, especially since he does have a tendency to lose track of his kids in light of other things he has on his plate (like going ( ... )


brightly_lit November 25 2013, 05:04:29 UTC
I SO hear you about not wanting to be inadvertently influenced by another person's take on it, and yeah, they were REALLY different!

he does have a tendency to lose track of his kids in light of other things he has on his plate

Yes, I think so--I've written a few John POV fics now, and trying to imagine juggling raising two boys without a home base, hunting, trying to keep Sam safe from the YED and trying to get it before it can get him, all without a job; I can hardly imagine how hard it would be to try to keep a good handle (or any handle) on everything at once. It seems often like a case of sacrificing the relationship in order to save the person, like a parent who has to work so much just to put food on the table that they never see the family they're working for.

I really loved reading everyone's various different interpretations of how 9x07 came to pass in meta form, but reading it in fic was even better.Ha ha--in fact, this started as a meta, and I was like, ugh, I can express everything I'm trying to say so much more ( ... )


kalliel November 25 2013, 05:50:58 UTC
It seems often like a case of sacrificing the relationship in order to save the person, like a parent who has to work so much just to put food on the table that they never see the family they're working for.

YES; that is excellently put. And aah, my heart. ;_____; <3

And yes, meta!fic is the best kind of meta AND the best kind of fic! Because I can say "well, this is how I can see John doing X" as much as I want, it doesn't really feel like it has much import to me unless I write it in action. Though this may just highlight my poor meta skills, since, I know some people who do really well articulating their points outside of fiction, lolol. But hey, the fandom circus needs participants of all stripes, right??

Look, it's on my To Do list! :P

... )


brightly_lit December 1 2013, 02:51:04 UTC
Your 9.07 had some of that sacrificing too, only I'd say yours was more ... sacrificing the present person (Dean) for his own future. :-( :-(

Meta!fic IS awesomeness!!


nesmith November 25 2013, 22:20:48 UTC
trying to imagine juggling raising two boys without a home base, hunting, trying to keep Sam safe from the YED and trying to get it before it can get him, all without a job; I can hardly imagine how hard it would be to try to keep a good handle (or any handle) on everything at once.

Added to the fact that this was a whole new world to him; he didn't have the benefit of Mary's experience--he basically had to learn it on his own, bit by bit. That's the part that always impressed me.


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