Fic: The Gospel According to Becky

Aug 06, 2013 22:10

Title: The Gospel According to Becky
Author: brightly_litRating: PG ( Read more... )

sam, gen, becky, dean, rating: pg, humor

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Comments 17

pherber_m August 7 2013, 05:54:58 UTC
Why indeed? Poor Sam!
This is hilarious - I can imagine Becky actually doing this. Well done!


brightly_lit August 9 2013, 04:52:32 UTC
hee hee ... I can picture it, too! Glad I made you laugh.


indiachick August 7 2013, 07:14:22 UTC
Oh my God. I can totally imagine Becky doing this too. And I can totally imagine Dean going along with it as well, so long as there's "benefits" :D Poor Sammy, though. There should totally be an episode where everyone knows the Winchesters and acknowledges all that they did and them being all dreadfully embarassed and stuff. :D
Well done!


brightly_lit August 9 2013, 05:08:48 UTC
Ah, I love your episode idea!! They should totally make it. It's about time we saw our boys get their due, for starters!

Yeah, our dear Dean never thinks too far ahead. Sam can see all the horrible eventualities, but for Dean, it's just free porn and snacks and all's well with the world ....

Thank you! Glad you enjoyed. :-)


fannishliss August 7 2013, 10:21:12 UTC
awesome! I love how Becky sneaks it up on them like usual, despite the fact that they are wary. And I love the thought that there is free porn in the church basement... that right there is revolutionary. :P



brightly_lit August 9 2013, 05:05:26 UTC
hee hee, indeed! I did briefly hesitate to include that, but hey, in the Dean reliquary, if you're gonna be true to the guy you worship and keep him happy, what else do you do??

I love how Becky sneaks it up on them like usual, despite the fact that they are wary.

ha ha, maybe her danger lies in how harmless she seems ...

Thanks for commenting. :-D


antrazi August 7 2013, 12:48:42 UTC
Funny. And hey, the religion about them will happen one way or another. At least now they are getting some of the perks of it.
Actually, pool table, free porn, stocked fridge... where do I sign up?


brightly_lit August 9 2013, 05:02:34 UTC
hee hee--that's exactly what I thought while I was writing it! "This church is AWESOME! I want to join!"

Glad you enjoyed. :-)


vexed_wench August 7 2013, 17:41:53 UTC
I loved this. It was a great read.


brightly_lit August 9 2013, 04:57:41 UTC


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