The one where I completely fangirl over Doctor Who...again...

Jun 26, 2010 19:09

Well, that was just loads of fun, wasn't it? I laughed, I cried, I was genuinely suprised. The only thing I can honestly say that I am even the slightest bit upset about is the fact that now Amy's backstory is completely different. It's a lot happier, and I can now no longer relate to her in the same way :P (LOL). In a weird way, it feels like I've lost a friend. But whatever, this is just a show, right? Wrong.

Things I love:
  • LOL AMY'S DAD. AUGUSTUS POND, ARE YOU JOKING??? Now that is what I call a name from a fairytale. If her mother has some fabulous name like Arabella I will die with utmost joy.

  • Can we take a moment to revel in the fact that Moff has really taken time travel into consideration with this series? Because who doesn't love a bit of wibbly wobbly timey wimey nonsense? Awesome. That moment when everyone is on the staircase in the museum and 12-minutes-in-the-future-Doctor zaps himself into place and it's pretty obvious that he's all sorts of messed up, I basically squealed "YOU. ARE. JOKING.". It was just so, so perfect. AHH!

  • Rory waited 2,000 years. Um, okay, way to make me ship Rory/Amy like crazy. Way to make me love Rory a lot in general. ♥♥♥

  • That moment when Amelia opens the Pandorica and Amy is sitting there looking all sorts of awesome. She then proceeds to kick my ass by saying, "Okay, kid. This is where it gets complicated." UGH, I looooved it. I LOVE THIS SHOW, WTF.

  • I love the Fez and I love Doctor/Fez. Perfect Doctor Who humor.

  • The score needs to be released like yesterday because it is mindblowing.

  • This picture is fantastic.

  • Oh, River Song. I'm sorry, but I'm still not on the River Song bandwagon. HOWEVER, I did have a hell of a time watching her interaction with the Dalek. What a kick ass bitch!
    Dalek: You will be exterminated!
    River: Not yet. Your systems are still restoring which means your shield density is compromised. One alpha-meason burst through your eyestalk would kill you stone dead.
    Dalek: Records indicate you will show mercy. You are an associate of the Doctor's!
    River: I'm River Song. Check your records again.*
    Dalek: *Pause* Mercy!
    River: Say it again?
    Dalek: Merrcyy!
    River: One more time.
    Dalek: Meeerrcccyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy!

    KICK. ASS.
    What I really loved about this particular performance from Alex was that it wasn't delivered in the typical arrogant-smirking-River-Song fashion that I find as unbearable as nails on a blackboard.

    * What does that even mean?? Is that a clue?!?

  • Awe, the Doctor's last words to Amy in the Pandorica. "You wont need your imaginary friend anymore". Oh boy, did I weep. Lip quivering, nose sniveling and all!

  • That entire bit with the Doctor flying into the TARDIS explosion was SO DAMN EXCITING. The music and the visuals and just UUGHHH.

  • I love that they went back and showed us clips of the Doctor going back in his timeline. YAYYY for the Jacket!Doctor theory being correct.


  • At the end of the day, my new OT3 is still together and ready to have all sorts of adventures together.

    I can't believe I have to wait until the end of the year for more Doctor Who. Life is so unfair :P
  • character: amy pond, ok fangirl time, tv: doctor who

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