The original meaning of Halloween seems to be lost in tackiness, just as most other festivals have been hijacked. I intend to have a private moment of reflection on the coming darkness in private later tonight. I'm thankful that at least the solstices have been left untouched by the media. As for the reluctance in telling people you are a witch that is understandable; I'm sure we have an inbuilt sense of protection brought about by centuries of persecution and are wise to keep our own counsel. I live in Essex in the UK where many people were put to death during the Essex Witch Trials. I have visited the castle dungeons where many were imprisoned. Reading about those murders fills me with horror and a certain amount of fear, as if it could all happen again should the tide turn. So though I will hand out sweets to the children knocking on my door (I've already had 4 lots of callers this evening) and have posted a silly pumpkin on my LJ, I shall remember those innocent lives lost, remember that evil does exist in the world (Matthew Hopkins for one, the witch finder general... bastard) and ready myself for the winter months to come.
Thank you for sharing.
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