Aug 17, 2006 09:22
I'm going to be a grammar bitch now, so bear with me...
I was watching random TV shows and reading random online forum messages, and the use of "Me" in place of "I" when used to describe an action performed with another noun kept cropping up. Example: Me and my best friend went to the movies.
I will say this right now: I hate it. I hate it. I haaate it.
Who is this "Me"? Do you know Me? Where are you when Me and your best friend go places? That's your best friend, not Me's best friend. Don't you feel left out?
Don't you realize you sound ridiculous? If you took out the other person, what are you left with? "Me went to the movies." You sound like a fucking caveperson: "Me go hunt mammoth! Grunt!" "Me and Og make fire!"
Or this: "Me and Jimmy are going to the park to go rollerblading. Jimmy isn't very good, so I'm going to help him." Really? When did you show up? I thought it was Me and Jimmy. So, Me is not going to help Jimmy? Poor Jimmy!
Oh, or how about this? "Me and you will go to the parking lot." Or "You and me will meet everyone at the diner." That sounds like a command -- for other people. Me would say that you can't tell everyone what to do!
Think about it: If someone from another country who was just learning English was having a conversation with you, they'd think Me was another person. It's "I". I, not Me. "My best friend and I went to the movies." "Jimmy and I are going to the park." Hey, now Jimmy will learn rollerblading from you.
And also, people substitute "I" for "Me" in the wrong places. "There is a great love between my boyfriend and I." "Why don't you come to the store with Amy and I?" "This is a great day for my family and I." No. No, that's wrong. Take out the other noun. You are left with just the I. And then you sound stupid. I is not someone else. I is you. And Me is you. You are you.
I apologize, but you have no idea how much it pisses me off when screenwriters write that sort of dialogue for characters. I can handle it when people post it in forum messages, but intelligent writers? What, is this some new dialect?
Please, if you find yourself doing it...stop.
Okay, grammar bitching done now.