Brains, man. Brains are weird.
Early this morning I woke in smack in the middle of another panic attack. Crying like a cornered wounded panther kitten and everything. No reason at all. But then I realized that whatever wanted to eat me couldn't fit through the little cave I was huddled in. So I did that breathing exercise that Beca taught me: breathe in golden light, all through the spine up through the crown, breathe out silver light from the spine, don't stop breathing.
And then of course came the complex partial seizure. Because brains, man.
But! I had some crazyweird fantastic "visions" while in the seizure. Alicia's Wonderland dimension in my mind is becoming really elaborate.
She mentioned talking to Amara, and when I came out of the seizure all I could think was "Wait, what? But my brain guardians don't talk to each other like that. I mean, okay, Amara handles every neurological and psychiatric fuckedness outside of epilepsy, but still. Amara doesn't talk to Alicia. Not even Serena talks to Alicia. Alicia doesn't go outside of the Wonderland gateway. Why are they talking to each other?"
Brains, man. I swear. I think this is some sort of representation of my whole brain trying to come together and work out solutions. All my private human-faced coping mechanisms (Alicia, seizures; Serena, pain and fatigue; Amara, neurology and psychology; Amber, systemwide maintenance) finally mechanizing cope as a giant bodywide thing, maybe.
Shrug. Brains. I don't know. They're weird.
Anyway. Those with unusual coping mechanisms will get it. You know. The coping mechanisms born out of made up fictional characters. Because why not. Because brains are weird. You know. Like a giant pod of interdimensional psychic dolphins circling a solar system and constantly communicating the gossip around the universe. Because dolphins are cool like that.