Nov 05, 2012 10:16
Good things: Taking 20,000 mcg (20 mg) of Biotin at once every day really does help with healthy hair and nail growth for me. Not necessarily longer growth, just better, healthier, stronger, shinier growth, which will in itself help with longer growth in the long run, and I did not mean to sound like a commercial, sorry.
(Disclaimer: I do this for myself because it works for me. If you want to try it, have fun, just do your research. Although, Biotin - aka B7 and BH - really is an awesome vitamin and gives me lots of anti-fatigue energy and helps lift my depression slightly.)
Also, NAC, N-Acetyl-Cysteine. Good for boosting my energy levels and such. And I was recently told it may work as a supplement for OCD, ADD/ADHD, mild depression, anxiety, bipolar, respiratory problems, and memory problems.
(Disclaimer: I do this for myself because it works for me. If you want to try it, have fun, just do your research.)
It is very important to put disclaimers on every supplement and holistic treatment. Because they do not always work for people. Some may not work at all. But I will only talk about stuff that works for me. If other people want to try it, they are free to do so, and I'm happy to answer questions, but I will never be one of those "holistic proselytizers" who insists that everything is awesome. I'm still not sure about the whole "water homeopathy" even though I take homeopathic tablets like arnica and ignatia in tablet form all the time and they work wonderfully, so I'll say I like homeopathy in non-liquid form, I guess, I don't know, I just know something works. Anyway, every body is different always all the time forever so nobody make fun, please.
alternative treatments,
alternative remedies,
alternative medicine,