I accidentally smacked Luna in the face and apologized profusely, and now she is curled up on my dolphin Pillow Pet that normally cushions my back. I'll let her have it, and also many treats. She still loves me.
Now to visually mainline entire seasons of Futurama and My Little Pony while writing supernatural futuristic dark fantasy stories.
Those pagan rituals I did on the night of Venus and the Sun still have an effect, and it's neat. My sensitivities are still heightened. I can feel the power in our maple tree out front with the pentacles and marbles Adam placed among its branches, and in the old oak tree across the house. I can feel the power in the psychic sinkhole in the road beyond the community, which grew as more and more deadly accidents happened around the hill, which many drivers ignore in favor of speed; so many humans and animals have died there that the road seems psychically stained with blood, and every now and then another death feeds it and it grows. I usually can't sense much beyond my immediate location, so this is fascinating. Adam built a protective field around the house and yard when we moved in, so nothing paranormal can touch it without permission, but now I'm able to reach beyond that field with ease. Neat!
Yes, I know, skeptical, doesn't exist, psychics aren't real, I'm being ridiculous. I was raised by an atheist and an agnostic, after all. But I believe in what I feel and in what I experience. Even my mother understands this. "I believe that you believe, even if it doesn't affect me." I feel that way about monotheism and even henotheism to an extent. The universe is weird and unpredictable and sometimes multiple.
Also, I completely forgot who asked me to recommend an organic creamy foundation, but here it is:
http://www.laurenbrookecosmetiques.com/creme_foundation/ I wear Warm 2 (and for the Creme Concealer, Light Warm), and it is excellent and also helps clear up blemishes and stuff.