My neurologist is hilarious.
I was about twenty minutes early, and she came in and saw me and was so excited that I'd arrived early. I was like, well, yeah, I always try to be early. But we hadn't seen each other in almost a year, and we hugged, and she was thrilled to see me, and we chatted about my conditions and my medications, and she said everything seemed fine... except, of course, for the part where I have weekly seizures. She was pleased that they were not the tonic clonic kind, unless I am furiously stressed or badly excited, which doesn't happen often. We decided to increase the Trileptal once my current bottle is empty. Instead of taking two 300 mg round pills in the morning and one 300 mg round pill at night, I will be taking one 600 mg oblong pill in the morning and another 600 mg oblong pill at night. It was so sweet - she kept stressing that I must only take one pill in the morning and one at night, only. We laughed, because many of her patients have made such mistakes and I knew I would be fine.
I told her about my disability hearing in July and she wished me all the luck in the world. She was pleased at the effectiveness of the Klonopin, and also fascinated and highly pleased that the Zoloft was treating my OCD. She was happy about all mt supplements, and really nothing had changed except I was still having stress-induced seizures, which called for either a higher dose of Trileptal or an additional medication. However, since I said the Klonopin was working so well, she would leave that as the additional. Good. It was just... happy. A good, good visit. She hugged me goodbye and took my hands and smiled right at me and told me she'd see me again next year, unless something serious happened. I told her I would call her in July if I got approved.
Charlotte and I then drove to the Walgreens nearby, which I reveled in, seeing as how I have no Walgreens near me, and Walgreens has stuff that CVS doesn't, and also I had a coupon. Then it was off to Whole Foods after a message from Adam. I bought a loaf of Black Russian bread (it has coffee in it!) and a block of Monocacy Silver creamy goat cheese, and sushi (salmon avocado and spicy tuna avocado), and various Bai juices with coffee fruit extract.
Charlotte drove us back to my house, where Adam was resting from his latest over-24-hour work day. We get to spend Saturday together, and then Adam is off to New York for a few days. The hours are hard but the pay is okay and it could be a lot worse.
Eventually, possibly Sunday, Charlotte will come over and we will marathon My Little Pony on Netflix. I am amazed at how many adults love this show and the toys. It really does call to the childhood nostalgia of almost everybody.
In conclusion, here is a photo of my extremely soft and lovingly cuddly cat, Luna.
In our house, the statement "We love the Luna" is almost like a ritual chant. I love my Luna. Luna loves us. Luna is queen. Luna is the prettiest cat ever. Luna will always have treats and gooshyfood. We love the Luna.