Mar 19, 2012 20:08
Well, I just did a full qigong workout that I haven't done since I was sixteen. I guess you really don't forget. The migraine is still here, but I expected that. Twenty minutes of meditative exercise won't solve anything the first time. I do feel much more refreshed and peaceful, so goal achieved.
Now for some Greek yogurt with honey, a dose of codeine with a muscle relaxant, a bowl of pasta, and a Futurama marathon on Netflix. (Contrary to what my friends have said, I am not obsessed with Futurama. Hopelessly in love with and prone to quoting random episodes, absolutely. But I only watch the show. A lot. What TV shows do you watch until you can quote entire musical numbers? *coughRobotDevilcough*)
Also, the tree hug pose in qigong and taijiquan is great for the lower back.
Also, my migraine is once again playing tactile dubsteb with my skull for a pain party that I can't stop. It's toe-tappingly tragic. (Adam says I am this much Dr. Zoidberg and this much Amy Farrah Fowler and that's why he loves me - I have a weird sense of good comedic timing. Yay!)
alternative treatments