Nov 20, 2010 19:54
The day flew by so fast. I am tired and sore but pleased. I am drinking tea made from Pedicularis Densiflora, aka Indian Warrior. It's a muscle relaxant, pain reliever, sedative, tranquilizer; a mild narcotic plant that relieves nerve pain It's slightly bitter and woodsy with a fruity hint.
Adam and I ran errands, then went to Charlotte and Billy's house to drop off some things and chat for a bit. Charlotte and I decided to go shopping for some needed things. Barnes & Noble, Target, Giant. At Barnes & Noble, I got two books by Jim Hines and the YA book "Ash" by Malinda Lo. At Target, I picked up some panties and bras and pajamas, deciding that I could just toss the packages into my rolling luggage bag for Sag Harbor. At Giant, I bought bamboo jade sea salt, white silver sea salt, and black lava salt. Charlotte dropped me off at home around five. Adam made a quick dinner of salmon, artichokes, and broccoli. I am waiting for this headache to go away. Flexeril is helping.
Also, I finished reading "Paranormalcy" by Kiersten White. It is fairly fantastic and very enjoyable. I hear there are at least two more books in the series coming soon, and possibly a film adaptation. It just impresses me so much, despite the debut author mistakes and weak character development and plot holes, which is common. But it is solid and good and it almost doesn't read like YA. Woo.
Two more days until I see my parents and my home town. Rock.