Nov 05, 2010 16:10
Yeah, fuck a bunch of this.
Body and I are at war.
It's a tiny war, and it might not matter much, and Brain isn't sure which side to take (although Body and Brain are connected, so perhaps I can still blame Brain for most of this). I don't want to be friends with pain anymore.
I don't tell anyone, because it won't really do much beyond emotional and psychological security. I know I am loved, I know people wish me well, I know things will be better, things always get better.
My war, though. My battles. You know. Everything is in the moment.
Everyone fights in their own way. Nobody uses the same weapons in the same way, but everyone who fights understands each other.
If you are fighting and you are at war with your body/brain, I salute and support you.
*fistpump* This. Is. Sparta. Or not, and I am lost.
Something, anyway.
chronic pain,
cerebral palsy,