Feb 06, 2010 14:18
2010: The Year We Made Contact.
Adam and I woke up late, had sex, played with the cats, ate oatmeal and split an omelet with Dubliner cheese and garlic butter creamed spinach, and drank Sumatra coffee. Then, we bundled up, grabbed shovels, and went to work.
Three hours later, our walkway is walkable. The car is sort of dug out. We think one of Adam's coworkers may be able to come get him with a giant truck tomorrow morning.
In a few hours, we will go back out and dig again. The snow won't stop. It's three feet and counting. I officially have not seen this much snowfall since I was six years old.
I hate it. I can't even see the fun in it. All I know is that there is snow up to my neck in some places. I am flaring so severely that this dose of Soma is working overtime.
We have electricity. Ours is underground, barely affected. We had a few thirty-second blackouts this morning, but so far we're fine.
This has to stop. Snowpocalypse 2010 has gone from Oh My Gods to Oh Hell No.