Oct 13, 2008 21:28
Soma. Povidone iodine. Cayenne extract. Curried stir fry. Valerian extract. Bandages. Sympathetic and empathetic husband.
Doing better.
Less raw.
Watching "Heroes" now. It is awesome as always. I like Vortex Guy.
I wonder if you could plagiarize yourself if the original story is your own fanfiction? I wrote several TMNT fanfics many years ago, fics that I've been considering dissecting and disassembling, taking certain sentences and fragments and putting them in the novel. Especially the forever-unfinished "Shadow Rising." I loved writing that story. I don't even know if I can finish it now, it's been so very long. And "Ashes To Ashes" is lost forever. The sites that hosted it don't seem to exist anymore. But I remember bits of it. I remember enough.
Also... Adam's father still has prostate cancer. The surgery failed. The surgeons couldn't remove the tumor. Now Bernie must recover from a surgery that didn't even go anywhere. In a few weeks, they will try radiation. Maybe even cyberknife. I'm tense, but I realize that things will be all right, regardless.