Migraine is pretty much gone, but its aftereffects rage on.
But I need to make myself smile.
Adam has made a bunch of LOLcat pictures on icanhascheezburger -- it makes me smile.
http://mine.icanhascheezburger.com/pictures-by-shiefox/lolz For the novel, I wrote a whole paragraph before I realized that the dizziness was making my writerbrain want to scream. I'm doing my best, I promise. It's hard to write with so much head pain. But I want to. I keep having dreams. The story keeps pushing through. I'm about to head into some rising action.
I think I have been afraid to get inside the head of my own fictional sociopath. I can only do so much research on sociopaths before I want to hide in a corner and shiver.
My tiny, superficial compulsions tend to amuse me after I'm done with them. I spent half an hour staring in the mirror at the navy blue eyeshadow on my eyelids, wondering if the color looked good. It actually looked great (brought out the dark blue rings around the irises and enhanced the gold flecks within the brown), but I couldn't stop fretting. It's the tiny things. Started when I became anorexic. Been getting better.
I'm also not letting myself express enough "I miss my husband" frustration. This should be done before it leaks out in other ways.