FK/HL Fanfic: "An Appointment Unkept" (a New Year's Story)

Dec 29, 2007 18:35

Again prompted by the season, I'm going to tweak this rolling retrospective out of chronology to bring up my one New Year's fanfiction, "An Appointment Unkept," which is also my one true crossover to date.  In this case, the cross is Forever Knight/Highlander.  The story is less about those lost than those who miss them.

  •  Title: "An Appointment Unkept"   •   Length: ~2,982 words   •   Date: Posted to FKFic-L December 31, 2005   •   Rating: PG   •   Summary: Nick and Darius have a longstanding appointment, but neither of them make it.   •   Setting: Paris, New Year's Eve 1999   •   Characters:   Original HL Immortal, Janette   •   Quotation: "She met his eyes, her own again a rich blue.  The depth of the sorrow there shocked him.  Carefully controlled, it nevertheless went down, and down, and down, perhaps without end."

character:foreverknight:nick, trope:bereavement, fanfic:fandom:foreverknight, ship:foreverknight:nick/janette, trope:postseries, fanfic:fandom:highlander, fanfic:who:byme, character:highlander:darius, trope:crossovers, trope:holidays, character:foreverknight:janette

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