FK Recommendation February 2011

Feb 26, 2011 15:55

What's Good?  I'm happy to get to have February's recommendation-of-the-month spotlight "Beyond the Grave" (1996, PG, ~2K words) by
lastscorpion.  With a light touch on heavy events, "Beyond the Grave" answers the old "Discovery" challenge: "What would it take for Tracy to discover Nick's vampirism?"  In this case, a near-death experience:     "I mean, even vampires die eventually. They get stuck out in the sun, or stabbed with a stake, or suck on a bad rat..." Tracy's voice trailed off.
     "That's true, darlin'. Nobody lives forever, and just being a vampire is no cause for damnation. But choosing to be a vampire is a little bit like choosing to be a psychopath."

What's New on FKFic-L?  One story, " Winter Merriment" (G, ~1K words) by pj1228, posted to the list in January.  However, four stories have posted in February so far!

Comments on Dreamwidth:

character:foreverknight:tracy, character:foreverknight:schanke, recommendation:foreverknight, recommendation, character:foreverknight:nick, character:foreverknight:vachon, recommendation:foreverknight:project

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