Femme-fic 2010 is On

Aug 10, 2010 22:34

The 2010 femme_fic /
femme_fic game is on!  As always, that community celebrates female characters (gen, m/f, f/f).  However, several rules have changed.  Most significantly: (1) there are no longer limits on eligible fandoms, and (2) it is no longer an exchange/assignment approach, but instead takes a prompt-claiming approach.  This means that instead of receiving a slate of prompts assigned individually, players pick prompts for themselves (up to two) from the full list available to everyone.

Rules and Prompts on LJ / Rules and Prompts on DW
  • Submit Prompts: 08/10/10-08/16/10
  • Claim Prompts: 08/17/10-08/23/10
  • Stories Due: 10/15/10

  • Anyone may submit up to three prompts.  Submitting a prompt is not a commitment to contribute a story, so this is a good opportunity to request a story that you've always wanted to read (starring a female character) but can't write yourself, and then see if someone else's request strikes a chord with you as a writer.  (Please put the fandom in the subject line, and post only one prompt per comment.)

    For myself, I plan to submit prompts, and to write if there's a prompt that I can do justice to.  Something gen in FK or HL would be my first instinct.  But in this format, you never know what idea might raise its hand.

    Comments on Dreamwidth:

    ficathons&fests, fandoms_not_fk, fest:femmefic, fanfic:process:prompts

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