FK Recently: What You Guys Have Been Up To (12/27/09-01/17/10)

Jan 17, 2010 20:00

Recently in FK on my LJ Friends List and DW Reading Page:


Everyone knows about help_haiti by now, right?  The fannish community rewarding donations to Haiti relief with custom fic, beta services, and other things in an auction-like structure?  Bidding continues through January 20.  Thanks to everyone who is participating, and who has offered!  eponymous-rose is cataloging offers by fandom.  It looks like the FK-specific offers at this time are from: Havocthecat, Triciabyrne1978, Amilyn and Devohoneybee.  [Addendum 01/18: rude_not_ginger and aescu are also offering FK, per amilyn.]  ( Leela-cat generously made a gesture in FK's direction, but you know she wants HP. ~g~) 
amilyn has summarized some offers and information here and here.

Vidfests, Ficathons and Gifts
  • On 01/17,
    merfilly posted a reminder about the "Gen in January" ficathon, for which FK received one prompt (IB: Nick/Janette).  (It's a 500-words minimum, with prompts available to claim from a list, not assigned.)
  • On 01/14, festivids went live, and abby82 strongly recommended the vid she received in the exchange. 
    merfilly agreed, and so did ithildyn.  Count me in the consensus as well.  Set to " Cemeteries of London" by Coldplay, it's still anonymous, it's the only FK entry in the fest, and it is receiving copious praise for something from our sleepy fandom in a multifandom venue!  It's vampire-centric across all three seasons, features many of the neck-o'-the-week characters, and it musters the elusive "you could interpret this either way" that keeps us happily disagreeing to this day.  Knighties and Cousins may well see different feeds of this vid, and isn't that just the way it's supposed to be?
  • On 01/12,
    havocthecat pointed out
    purimgifts/purimgifts, a multi-fandom event reveling in characters who are Jewish and/or women and/or persecuted by evil viziers ( FAQ). FK is eligible (every fandom is eligible).
  • On 01/06, fandom_stocking released.  Four people were tagged as requesting FK stocking stuffers, and they all received at least one tiny FK trinket.
  • On 12/29, gnosticdiva described the dayofindulgence event, and noted that she's planning an FK entry, perhaps an adult scenario.

  • On 01/10, kirbyfest announced that she is moving all her fanfiction from her longstanding personal website into a new Dreamwidth journal:
  • On 01/07,
    merfilly revealed that she's the author of the Yuletide story "A Bad Night" and consolidated her two FK ficlets written for
  • On 12/31, gnosticdiva posted " Handcuffs Do Have Their Uses" (N&N, NC-17).
  • On 12/29, gnosticdiva noted that she's working on a post-AtA fic (and reading the Bennett/Elrod novels).
  • crack_van FK recommendations continue, courtesy of abby82.  Since my last round-up, she's pointed out "The Maltese Raven" by Erika W., "First Love" by Sarah B., "Trio" by Imajiru, "The Raven Flown" by AC C., the "All the Rest is Silence" trilogy by Dorothy E., "What Makes A Mortal Interesting" by Knightshade, "Goodbyes" by Vanessa St.D., "Assignment: Knight" by SusanMGarrett, "Ruminations" by Nancy K., and "Anatomy of a Kiss" by Eve D.

  • On 12/31, abby82 pointed out that has all three seasons of FK (Region 1) on sale for $14.99.  Anyone not own yet?  Buy!  Convince them there's a market for slim sets and blu-ray and missing bits restored or packed as extras...
  • On 12/27, pj1228 shared the great news that FK's first season will be released in Germany on 02/19/10, with German and English audio tracks.  Finally!  Cheers to all the German-speaking fans!  (Buy! So they'll release the other seasons, too.)  I can't wait to learn whether it's the full footage from the first German airing of first-season.  Granted, the differences are tiny per episode, mostly just longer establishing shots, but...

Cast and Crew and Airings
  • On 01/13, abby82 shared that Mr. Parriot has won himself a new series, USA Network's Covert Affairs.  It stars Kari Matchett (Alyssa).
  • On 12/31, abby82 filled us in -- at least, those of us who don't get the Chiller channel -- on GWD's "hosting" of Chiller's most recent FK marathon.  Actually, it was eight fun soundbites over amusing montages (seven GWD, 1 NB).  She has them all linked, and also points us to Chiller's YouTube Channel.  And as she points out, wow! that color quality.

Comments on Dreamwidth:

art:vids, fest:auctions&psas, foreverknight:airing, fest:purimgifts, ficathons&fests, fest:fandomstocking, fest:geninjanuary, fanfic:who:byyou, foreverknight:actors, foreverknight:recently

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