oldschoolfic Ficathon Released

Jul 14, 2008 23:01

The oldschoolfic ficathon has been released from its moderated queue!  It looks as if my " A Delicate Balance," written for amilyn's Natalie prompt, is the only Forever Knight story in the batch, unfortunately.  But there's BtVS, ST:TNG, HL, B5, VM, Farscape, original Battlestar Galactica, and more out-of-production series.  (As usual, it will take me a while to read my way through.)

Next round, we really must muster more FK prompts and players!  (Yes, I'm looking at you!)  I did submit one, but butterflykiki wrote my HL Methos and Tessa prompt instead, and as her " Fly Away Home" turned out so marvelously, I can't even wish she'd chosen otherwise.  Both, sure.  Otherwise, no. ;-)

ficathons&fests, fandoms_not_fk, fandom:highlander, fanfic:who:forme, character:foreverknight:natalie, fanfic:chat

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