FK Recently: What you guys have been up to (3/01/17-3/31/17)

Apr 01, 2017 12:33

For the month of March, in my corners of social journaling, here are the Forever Knight items that I happened to see:

Ficathons, fests & communities that welcome FK

  • fkficfest, the FK ficathon, had 10 sign-ups and sent its 2017 exchange matches. (Stories are due May 27.)

  • genprompt_bingo, a low-commitment panfandom challenge game, has opened a new round. To play, request a card.

  • springfest, a month-long panfandom prompt fest, is open for fills 04/02-04/30.

  • familyex, a multifandom exchange focused on family relationships, has sign-ups through 04/02.

  • soulexchange, a multifandom exchange focused on soulmate/soulbond tropes, has nominations through 04/01, and sign-ups through 04/09.
  • Just a reminder of known panfandom recommendation communities:
    fanart_recs, het_reccers,
    recshelf, and
    fancake. (Know more FK-friendly forums? Tell me about them!)

FK fanfiction & other fanworks
Archive of our Own (AO3) Summary: 8 of the 754 FK stories on the AO3 show posting dates in March.

News & conversation:
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ficathons&fests, fanfic:who:byyou, foreverknight:recently

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