For February, in my corners of social journaling, here are the Forever Knight items that I spotted:
Ficathons, fests and communities
fkficfest/fkficfest, the FK ficathon, continues polling through 3/06. Should we play this year? If so, when?
rarelywritten, a multifandom exchange ficathon for rarely-written characters who aren't cis-men, has extended its sign-ups through 3/03.
genprompt_bingo, a multifandom bingo-style challenge for gen, is open 3/01 through 5/31.
unconventionalcourtship, a multifandom prompt-claiming challenge ficathon for romance, is open through 4/30.
last_writes, the community for closed vampire fandoms, is still around. I posted in it to promote the FKFicFest pre-game poll. (I also posted to ForKni-L.)- As always, the recommendation communities
fanart_recs and het_reccers are seeking volunteers to recommend worthy content!
FK stories on the AO3 show February 2015 posting dates. 2 are by
PJ1228; 2 are by
Ithildin; 1 is by
Discussion, essays, etc.
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