If you would like to share any feedback on my FK
fanfiction recommendation-of-the-month project (1999-present), or -- yes, please! -- suggest other FK fanfiction for me to read and recommend, please leave a comment here.
Recommendations Project Rationale )
Comments 2
Comparing your LJ with my backlogged fkfic-l inbox, I see that you've posted two stories there this year, which I have not yet read, but will surely get to eventually. (I'm perpetually backlogged on my fanfiction reading, I'm afraid; but I like to think this is good, as me catching all the way up would probably be a sign of FK's final doom. ~g~) So in the meantime, thank you for posting to fkfic-l, and good luck writing more! I will let you know when I've read some of it.
>"... but I found myself basically picking stories at random and hoping that they were what I was looking for."
Another "recommendations" site you might like to try, if you have not yet, is Bonnie P.'s "Screed Was Here." It focuses on stories starring the third-season characters (though of course the other characters are present, too) and its proprietor invites stories that meet her high standards.
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