In that startling way that it has, LiveJournal reminded me at bedtime last night that today is the birthday of the much-missed
susanmgarrett. As you know, Susan, who died in 2010, is the author of the second of the professional FK novels,
Intimations of Mortality, and before that she was "Empress of FK Fic" - her excellence, productivity and generosity to FKdom are unparalled. On the email lists, we used to have a tradition that August was "Susan's Birthday Month;" for her birthday, she would say in her email signature, she wanted "lots and lots" of new FK fanfiction... and she got it.
I like to think that holding
fkficfest and
fkcommentfic across Susan's Birthday Month would seem good to her.
Susan is my favorite FK fanfiction author. Don't miss out! Here are my top ten personal favorites among
all her FK tales, roughly in order of how often I reread them:
- "False Heart" - 1994, PG, ~96K words (recommendation) and its second-season sequel "Kind Soul" - 1995, PG-13, ~167K words
- "Seduction of the Diligent" - 1996, PG, ~11K words (recommendation)
- "Angel Crossing" - 1993, PG, ~9K words (not yet featured on the rec-o-the-month project; just spotlit at Christmastime)
- "Knight in Hell" - 1994, PG-13, ~15K words (recommendation)
- "Three of a Kind" (available only in GWDFC hard-copy zine)
- "Peerless Pressure" - 1995, PG, ~8K words (recommendation)
- "Coin of the Realm" - 1993, PG, ~15K words (recommendation)
- "Justice, Being Blind" - 1994, PG, ~40K words (recommendation)
- "All That's Best of Dark and Bright" - 1993, PG-13, ~36K words (recommendation)
- "And Memories, Like Diamonds, Shine" - 1994, PG, ~3K words (recommedation)
What other Susan stories are in your personal top-ten of her FK works?
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