FK Recently: What You Guys Have Been Up To (05/01/12-05/31/12)

Jun 01, 2012 22:28

Recently in FK in my corners of social journaling:

Ficathons, Fests and Communities
  • oldschoolfic released on 5/30 with three FK stories.

  • remix_her/remix_her is a new female-characters remix challenge, in lieu of a 2012 round of
    femme_fic/femme_fic. They're polling to pick fandoms.

  • fandom_of_one is a community for very small fandoms; FK is eligible.

  • fkficfest/fkficfest sign-ups were open through 05/25. Assignments are out, and writing is underway! Initially, we had 11 players, but a community-members-only Prompt Swap event (open until 11:59PM Pacific 6/01) brought the game to 13 players.
  • rarewomen released on 5/07, with one FK story and some FK icons.


Meta (Essays, Analysis, Discussion)


Chiller has no FK scheduled for June or July. (Bad network! No ratings for you.)

Comments on Dreamwidth:

fest:fkficfest, fest:remix, ficathons&fests, fanfic:who:byyou, foreverknight:actors, fest:rarewomen, fest:oldschoolfic, foreverknight:recently

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