FK Fanfic For Me: "Mementos" by Hearts_blood (G, gen, ~2K)

Mar 24, 2012 21:01

hearts_blood generously wrote my prompt in her "Cuddle/Kiss/Sex" meme, producing a very pleasant gen rumination on Nick's relationship with the Caddy, framed by Schanke interaction, and sporting three (count 'em! three!) mini-flashbacks (two historical, one within canon).  A boy and his car...

I prompted "cuddle, FK, Nick & his car, parking lot."  She replied with "Mementos" (G, gen, ~2K words; Nick, Schanke, Natalie, Sydney, Others) on LJ and AO3.  I appreciate her tackling my off-the-wall suggestion!

Comments on Dreamwidth:

character:foreverknight:nick, fanfic:who:forme, character:foreverknight:natalie, character:foreverknight:sydney, trope:flashbacks, character:foreverknight:schanke, recommendation:foreverknight, recommendation, fanfic:who:byyou

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