When did the arms of the unknown...

Jun 04, 2009 22:00

Wednesday was the one year anniversary of my mom passing away. It was hard, especially getting together with friends and wishing she was there to share in the fun. But having my friends there, and spending way too much money on alcohol and watching my sister get tanked was so much fun. I had a blast, and it was something my mom would think was stupid, but would be glad to have everyone around.

I can't believe a year ago I was in this position, and at least now I'm ok, I guess. It still hurts like the dickens, and there are going to be moments throughout my life where it's always going to be hard. But I manage, just like she wants me to. Most often because of people like you guys, and my friends in RL.

So again, if you are lucky enough to have your mom, please take a moment to tell her you love her and remind her how thankful you are.

And thank you all for being my friends. There is nothing I would get through now without you guys. I really do love you and thank my lucky stars.

love, friends, mom, happy, sad

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