I'm like totally a vampire.

May 11, 2009 12:30

I actually had a pretty decent Mother's Day. I spent it with my sister and my neice and great nephew. My brother that got arrested on Christmas called and wanted me to come over. He askd why I was in town and I said for Mother's Day and he asks if I brought mom.

WTF? I'm hoping it's because I cremated her and I brought her ashes to the service we had a year ago, not that he's forgotten that mom has died. He's 145 days sober. I was like do you want a cookie? You're in your fourties. You should have been sober a long fucking time ago and I don't want the lies that you're going to stay that way and you've learned your lesson. Because I'm not the five year old or the ten year old that believes you. I've grown up. And I know better.

So then I went and had dinner at my dads and then drove home. I took a tramodol that I was given when I had my kidney infection and was practically sitting on the couch drooling. And it has a side affect of dry mouth, and that shit hits you like five minutes after you take it. But I was able to sleep and the pain wasn't horrible.

I'm waiting for my pepsi to freeze and then I'm having some lunch. I'm starving, like lee marvin man.

Also HSM 2 is no where near as good as HSM. I really want the first movie soundtrack too. Yes. I'm five. It's the only thing except for one episode of NCIS that I like Zac Efron. Don't judge me.

I need to go get my heating pad. My back is starting to hurt again.

Also Taken is a good movie. I came in and out of it (that's what she said) last night after taking my pill. Liam Neeson was hard. Core.

OMG I'm starving.

OMG. Now he's doing spirit fingers.

Watching Twilight with my sister last night was awesome. Her running commentary was right up there with mine.

family, sissy, movies, health

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