You still leave cookies out for Santa?

Apr 15, 2009 12:12

Am being lazy and not doing my hair or getting dressed for work. Have a manager meeting at 2 at ATL and got scheduled just for that. For four hours. But am hoping since we need to cut back on hours I might be sent home when the meeting concludes. Seeing as I don't really wanna be there anyway.

Going to see Britney on Wednesday. Which makes me happy, was a bitch trying to get Tami to just let me go, but in the end she did. Sure H got an earfull. Bah.

Have been writing up a storm lately. Mostly on stuff i'll probably never share with anyone but stuff that keeps floating around in my head. What can I say? I'm always going to be a fan of Draco.

Founder's day this weekend and Sal has agreed to clean my mom's bathroom, which is AWESOME! Plus I don't have to do it and he's really good at it. That gives me time today to do dishes, and on Friday to do laundry, go to Wal-mart and then go to work at five. I'm a busy girl. But Sat/Sun off and Rose! Yay!

Think I'm slightly addicted to Twitter. I need to stop following Celebs. They really make me laugh but I have way too many. I talk about my uggs on there a lot.

Ok I'm gonna go to the bathroom and start doing my hair and getting dressed. May hit up SB for a fitty cent refill.

Yes. I really said fitty.

sisters, rose, atl, writing, alpha xi delta, sal, apartment

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