Not all monsters are bad..

Apr 02, 2009 22:26

My taxes are done. The State of Cali owes me seven bucks. I'm so rich.

I had dinner with Jess and Ryan at CPK. I'm always down for free food.

I did my taxes, found my Border's gift card, slept in, and had dinner. So for me, this is a totally productive day. Also tomorrow is Friday which makes me happy. I dunno why because I don't have the weekend off or anything.

I got the entire set of Little House on the Prairie books at goodwill for four fifty. This makes me so happy. That was on Tuesday when my sister came to town with AJ. That was a nice fun day. I also bought a little Tigger tin with a handle. So cute.

Yeah I'm twelve.

friends, books, sissy, tigger

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