Pointless, repetitous and extremely dull...

Feb 13, 2009 10:51

So we aren't doing anything for Single Awareness Day, because Sal said it's just like any other day. So I said we should stay home and not do anything because hello, it's just another day.

I got my NCIS soundtrack on Wednesday and I haven't gotten to Abby's Disc, but I like the first one. Not very NCIS - ish, but I dig it. It reminds me a lot of Twilight.

I am in love wih Twitter. I post from my phone and just love it.

I need to get ready for work, I work 2-9:30 and it is once again, pouring. It may rain all weekend.

I have one spot for a new icon, so I'm thinking I need to share my Barack Obama love, and use him instead.

I had a really horrible experience, again, with a customer at Bbv. I never get too upset, I get mad or think they're an idiot. But this guy made me cry in front of a lot of people. H embarassed me so bad that I cried most of the night and I cried when I spoke to my manager about it the next day.

My really good friend Jess and her boyfriend Mike have to move back home to his mom's because Mike can't find a job while he does his internship for the Fire Department. She cried so bad when she told me, and I am so sad. I hated having to tell Sal, because the four of us have gotten so close, and Sal was not happy about it.

I told her I would gladly have her move in here, while they keep looking, but she's allergic to cats. I am so bummed and am just hoping that once he's done with his internship at his moms, they can find something here and come back. This week has been pure shit. And it's not close to being done yet.

work, sal, obama, twitter, holiday, ncis, mike and jess, music

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