We're gonna need a bigger boat..

Jan 28, 2009 14:45

First things first, callmedirk rocks the casbah, because she totally saved my sanity in my latest emergency. I swear to God, I so hope they were visiting and not moving here.

Second the guy that tried to kill my brother got arraigned (SP?) today and is being held on $500,000 bail, so the fucktard is not going ANYWHERE!

I get to sleep in tomorrow and Friday, yay me. My fever blister is almost gone, the trifecta of my period, OMG YOU'RE GONNA LOSE YOUR JOB and waaaay too much starbucks brought that badboy on.

Barack Obama is totally rocking my little world.

My cat is still a super beazy, and I'm seriously close to drowning her. Errrr.

They have got to stop marking stuff 4, 6, and 14.88 at work because I DON'T NEED ANYMORE CLOTHES!

shopping, sara, family, work, atl, teegan, obama

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