(no subject)

Jan 23, 2009 23:00

So my inauguration was pretty cool. I invited a few people over to have mimosas and breakfast. And shock of all shocks, the first guest was my sister! I was so surprised. So my sister, Ashly, Jessica and Mike showed up. Sandy said she would but I couldn't get a hold of her. So we sat around and watched all the events and I was super excited, and so excited that I didn't cry. I couldn't. I cried when he won, but the excitement was bubbling out of me. He was so distinguished and the ceremony was so beautiful. I'm quite certain that Barack Obama is the coolest person on the planet. Seriously.

But that day was a blast, I had so much fun, and I was in such a great mood. And let me tell you, he's done nothing but impress me farther. The Gitmo deal, the abortion funding. I want to run into the streets and scream. I'm riding the awesome high.

My sister brought me a huge Obama button, a keychain that says, Yes We Can, Yes We Did, Yes We Will, and a tag for my car that says Obama on board. BOMB!

The week has been pretty decent, we moved through the job firing threat, by selling an ass load of Rewards. And then Daisy at work failed to do half the markdowns even after I asked her if she finished. And my DM got to see all the stuff that didn't get done. Hello Jane looks like a huge ass. So I intended to speak to her, but she didn't come in. The new Sales Lead isn't going so well, which is unfortunate, because I really like her, but other peopl aren't getting that vibe. I feel really bad for her, she's from Bangladesh, and came here to marry her husband, and they aren't having great times, and unfortunately she has no friends here. So i'm thinking her and I might try and have coffee or something.

My apartment looks super cool. We got these giant pink and red plastic boxes at work, and when they made us toss some, I took six big boxes, two medium and four little ones. We set them against the wall, with the tiny ones on top at an angle and put books in them. The first is The Sweet Far Thing by Libba Bray, Audition by Barbara Walters, His Dark Materials by Phillip Pullman, Wicked and two Star Trek books. The next is HP, the third Twilight and the last is the books I bought from the thrift store including the Painted House by John Grisham, The Kite Runner and Where the Heart Is. I like it looks bomb. On top of them are pictures of my sister and I, Sal and I and then me and several members of Bryan White's band. Sal and I worked our butts off. I have a Barack Obama poster speaking of Destiny on the wall, a picture of a cat in a beanie, and a huge Twilight poster on the wall. LOVE my living room.

I also hung the mother daughter carving I got my mom for Valentine's day in my living room. It's an amazing little plaque of a little girl standing hugging her mother, with the mom looking down at her. It's the embodiment of my relationship with my mom.

So I'm sitting here watching Charlie being all shocked to meet the president and I was like, wow could you imagine meeting the president? And then I remembered, Sal has actually met the president. He met President Bush the first in Africa. Holla.

I'm driving to Dublin tomorrow for Kamaria's mom's service. My sister Becca is coming with me, and then we're meeting up with Rose and Evil too. And possibly Lisa. Going to be a sad, but good day.

So here's my linkspam for the day...


Have a good night!!

tv, work, west wing, books, sal, obama, sisters, atl, apt

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