I'd like to choose...how I hear the news

Oct 18, 2008 19:17

First off is it Soda or Pop? I work with a girl from Chicago and we had a convo about how somethings are different based on where you're from.

So really right now I hate my life. HATE IT.

I'm supposed to be making a costume. Instead I'm being distracted by the internet.

I really need to take a nap.

But in five days I'll be in the same room as Vince Gill. There is a chance I might die. You guys just don't even understand what this means to me. I'm so fucking pissed I won't be able to call my mom during the concert and have her hear him. Or tell her about it for hours afterwards.

Hopefully my sister behaves.

I'm allergic to something because I'm getting red bumps everywhere, and my whole body itches, and I haven't changed a damn thing.

Did I say I hate life? I was serious.

I'm considering going to bed right now.

I think the worst part of an economic crisis, is the way it makes us all feel. I mean everyone seems so sad, and depressed. We are all having a rough go at it.

I'm for the first time in my life reading The Diary of Anne Frank. It was one of the jewels I picked up in my goodwill excursion. I'm loving having all those books to read, someone emptied out a wonderful bookshelf.

Teegan is so close to dead.

work, books, random!jane, friends, vince gill, reading, life, health

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