
Aug 04, 2008 14:02

So I bought Breaking Dawn at midnight on Saturday morning, and finished it Sunday night. Work is such a bother.

So because I have some things...about the book, this post is spoilerific. You've been warned.

Who else is let down? Did anyone feel like it just wasn't on any level with her other books? I felt the whole story was rushed, and just like maybe this was the one book Meyer felt she could go apeshit on and just went for it.

I couldn't put my finger on exactly how I felt about it until callmedirk said someone on her flist said it felt like Mary Sue fanfic. And that is the best description of it. I really did not like Bella at all in this book. She was not a bit lke herself, to me, especially after the Jacob section and it reverts back to her second half of the book.

Speaking of Jacob, I have not really liked him much until this book, he was fantastic in this one. I thought he was strong, and faithful and very much what he wasn't before. So that was good.

But allin all, the book felt like a letdown. I know as a whole the whole story is implausible, hey I think Vampires and Wherewolves are real, but really this book took it so far out in butt fuck Egypt that even I was like waaaait a minute.

I really think Meyer is a fabulous writer, her ability to build tension and emotion is beautiful, and I will read anything she writes, however this book was not up to her usual standards. I still love the series, and will see the movie and read anything else she writes (please God write a sequel to The Host!) But Breaking Dawn was not what I was hoping for.

Please feel free to express your thoughts, I was for sure I was alone in my thoughts but found out I'm not. So hit me!

twilight, books, reading

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