Kiss an angel goodmorning...

Jul 02, 2008 08:42

So last night was the first time I've been alone here in like two weeks. And it went better than expected, played online, talked with Sal, went to bed. Woke up at 7:30 am, and now am sitting here waiting for twenty minutes to get to work. Yay. Tomorrow is bank, possibly getting my nails done, looks like my last time, and then work again before I leave Thursday night.

Sam, Andrea's husband, had been offered Oakland A's tickets for Fourth of July and since he doen't like baseball he offered them to me. And this was in like March, so I said yeah, asked for the time off, and now his boss is like yeah, I think we'll go, sorry about the tix. *pfffft* So I'm going to my sisters Thursday night instead.

Alone because apparently Sal is being kept from his family. So I'm going to go see mine and have lunch with my dad and try and work it through this. Tomorrow will be one month and it seems like it went by so fast and yet it seems like yesterday.

Anyhoo I gotta grab a rolaid, my atl tag and beat Teegan to death before I go, so I'm off.

Have a great Wednesday m'loves.

sissy, mom, baseball, teegan, sal, oakland a's, family, atl

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