I wanna love like Johnny and June..

May 14, 2008 11:08

I have't posted here in a week or more because Sal has been here. And while he pretty much knows about LJ he's forbidden to come here. This is the one part of my life that is mine, and I don't want to account for it.

The weeks have been good, got lot's of texts from emmaketurah and then some from atlashrugged on a very bad day which made me a lot happier.

I've gotten a lot accomplished this week. Laundry of some blankets and stuff that needed it. Cleaned out my car, took in the recycling which awarded me 25 bucks. Holla.

My mom totally dug her birthday, her ice cream cake was bomb, and we had some damn good pizza and salad. I'm currently sitting here online because she woke me up to go grocery shopping. She thought because I made a list yesterday that I was going today. Not so much. So I decided to hack Sal's comp and the wireless floating here and update.

I think we're gonna make omelettes soon. Let me say that my boyfriend is a star cook. I enjoy it at least. =)

So I'm off tonight to see Lady Antebellum, Heidi Newfeld, and Keith Anderson with callmedirk and our friend Jess and Sara's cool dad, Manuel too. Can't forget him. It should be pretty cool as I know one song a piece from all of them. Well if Heidi had stayed with Trick Pony we'd all be alright.

Am keeping up on Doctor Who. Like a good girl. And Sal has been helping out on that. He's loving it too. He listens to my rambles and smiles and nods in the correct places.

This weekend is going to be jam packed. I work both jobs tomorrow, Friday I'm 8-5, then dinner with Rose, then jam to David's dinner, then Limo ride (in which I will not be losing my phone), then crash and hangover. Then on Saturday I have to recover from Friday and then have dinner with Andrea and Sam for her birthday which is today. Which reminds me I need to make a birthday post. Or like five, because everybody has one in May.

I finished the Golden Compass and have started the Subtle Knife, and I'm waiting for it to pick up because so far, a bit slow. I bought The Host by Stephenie Myer but haven't touched it yet because I'm trying to get through the Golden Compass.

Can I say that Micheal Buble was utterly fantastic? Because OMG he so was. Dude. He was hilarious, the music was dead on, he was sweet and funny and our tickets were not too bad. I had a blast, my hair did what it was supposed too, and Sal liked it too. He was awesome.

K, need to take my pill and go about getting started for today.

Also am in love with Six Feet Under.

tv, doctor who, concerts, books, mom, sal, sara, reading, jess

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